how do you start a pet blog and earn money

earn money from your pet blog today

There’s a lot topics and ideas you can talk about pets, internet is full of videos about pets doing funny or incredible things, you will find a lot of information about animals on the internet, pet blogs has been around since the beginning of blogging, but don’t worry, you can start your pet blog right now, and still be successful, so keep reading because i will give you some tips about how do you start a pet blog and earn money.

Writing a post for your pet blog it’s not different from another blogging niche, you have to do a good keyword research for low competition keywords, i recommend you to sub niche to get domain authority faster, as an example, writing about a single dog or cat breed, then you do a good research, and plan at least 30 to 40 posts about that, something like this specific dog breed personality, the best food brand for this pet and something like that, you need to be very precise and specific to write as many posts as you can to start ranking on google search.

Displaying ads on your pet blog

You may want to display ads on your site, as this is the way you can earn a passive income, keep in mind that, in order to earn a good income from ads, you need good traffic, to do this you need time for your website to rank and get the traffic, you may want to promote your blog to get those early views, once you reach 30k pageviews you will start earning a good amount of money, about $300 to $400 USD monthly, it maybe not too much but with 30k pageviews you can always have another source of income.

Once your site reach 50k sessions, is recommended to switch from ad network, you can stay with google adsense, but most bloggers switch to ezoic, then afet the 50k milestone they apply to mediavine, once in mediavine your rpm will reach from $10 – 12, to $25 – $30 USD, so you can earn up to $1500 USD monthly, so, this is an excelent way you can grow and start earning money from your pet blog.

Choose a sub niche and create cool content

As stated above, you have to choose a sub niche, as an example, if you choose to create a dog training website, you may choose an specific dog breed to create your posts like “Age to start training your golden retriever” or “How fast you can traing your golden retriever to sit”, there is a lot you can write about each dog breed, you just need some creativity and research, you can’t maybe write as much as 500 posts about a single pet breed, but, try to cover all topics and then you can choose another breed or another kind of pet.

When choosing a sub niche, its recommended you write at least 50 to 100 posts about that sub niche, from 50 posts i recommend you to start creating affiliate posts, each post has to be informative about products for pets, as an example, you can write about the benefits of frozen raw dog food, use your own experience with the product if you can, and add affiliate links from beginning to the end of your affiliate posts to get more convertions.

Open an online store in your pet blog

Pet blogs are not only informative websites, a lot of them have online stores, with products related to their posts, its not recommended to start a website with zero published posts, remember that you have to target keywords in ordet to get traffic and page rank, so, thats why you have to write content, once your website is getting traffic, you will start making sales and earning money, online stores on pet blogs are very popular and have great convertion rates, you can start your own online store easy with woocommerce or another plugins and following step by step guides on youtube or directly from a course.

Managing an online store is another task you will have to face, as an online store has a stock, you have to manage this, you should ship your sold items, restock to avoid empty inventory, and you need a good customer service to fulfill your client needs, thats why i recommend you to start with affiliate products, or to sell digital products first, then you can move on to your own online store, you need a serious investment to open an online store, so you need a strategy to earn your ROI faster.

How much does it cost to start an online pet shop?

It depends on the products you want to sell, creating if you are going to sell physical products, your stock cost will be your highest expense, your hosting and domain expenses can be as low as $12 USD, then you will need some paid plugins services for your online store that’s up to $40 USD, it depends on the plugin you use or the service, at least from digital services you will need $52 USD monthly, as you can see, its not an expensive service, it’s now up to you create a good strategy to get the traffic you need to get those sales growing.

Cool infoproducts for a pet blog

There’s a lot of ideas you can get to create a good infoproduct and give value to pet owners, as an example, you can write a short ebook about the best pet food brand for golden retrievers, this requires some research, so this can be a side project, you can write the pros and cons, table of contents, how this pet food is made of, and your experience with that pet food, this can take between 20 and up to 40 pages, you can create this on canva easily, watch some youtube tutorials on these.

Once you have your first infoproduct ready you can use it as a magnet, offer your users this infoproduct in exchange for their name and email, so you can create an email list, by doing this you can send your subscribers emails with your last post to get more traffic, and redirect them to your affiliate link posts, keep doing infoproducts, ask your audience for their needs, once you have more infoproducts, you will be earning more revenue, so you will earn a full income from your pet blog.


The most popular and profitable way to monetize a pet blog is opening an online store, as you will do with affiliates, is recommended to have at least 50 posts and get at least 3k pageviews monthly to start making some sales, but, in order to start getting a good revenue from your website you will need at least 30k to get a good income from ads, make good sales and start selling infoproducts, everyone love pets, and there’s a lot of things you can do to get traction and start growing your pet blog.

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