A blog is a website where you can write a lot of content about something you have passion, there’s millios of blogs out there, right now, competition is tougher than ever, but it does not mean, you can’t start now, there’s always room for good content, made by someone who really cares about what people think and need, this post was created to show you that, with your mom knoledge and expertise, you can earn money from a mom advice blog.
First of all, you can create a mom advice blog with no blogging knowledge, as you will learn about blogging as you create content for your mommy blog, so your expertise is about being a real mommy and write about your daily basis, thats where the great content really is, sometimes beginner moms seek information about food recipes for children, or something like best diaper brands for toddlers, and as some of this information is already available, you may have a different and maybe best approach to this kind of theme as a mommy blog expert.
Mom blog examples to inspire you
There’s a lot of successful mom blogs out there, i recommend you to stop by one of these sites, read some of their articles and start working:
Mom blog society: one of the best mom blog out there, this site has many mom journalists acroos the world, sharing all their knowledge and wisdom they have, this is going to be your main competitor, and the mom blog example you want to follow to grow your own.
Rockin mama: this website is where you want to go to see how can you grow your mom blog, as this blog started with just a nurse mom who wanted to write about her first baby’s experience, its a good blog, with a wide topic selection for almost every mom worldwide.
Modernmom: A blog created by Brooke Burke and Lisa Rosenblatt, this site is huge, and one of its best features is that there’s a community of moms, sharing their stories and knowledge to everyone on the site, read some articles from this mom blog and learn how you want to write good mom blog articles.
Avoid doing this as you start a mom blog
There are some topics you have to avoid while creating a blog, this kind of topics are called YMYL (your mone, your life) and have a lot of competition and high paid keywords, but you need to have some kind of credentials or expertise, as an example, if you plan on writing about raising your children, unless you are a pediatrician, avoid writing posts about nutrition, deseases or medical treatments, even for professionals, its hard to rank and sometimes, it’s not worth it.
As you write content, you will see the topics your audience is interested in, as a blogging mom, you may be interested in creating topics about, your daily schedule, cooking, kid activities, furniture, products used for your house, for your kids, and even if you are a working mom, you can write some productivity tips, thats the kind of content that will bring you traffic.
Earning money as a mommy blog expert
There’s something you have to keep in mind in order to start a mom blog and earn money, you have to write each of your articles with a purpose, not only to be an informative post, every post you write must have the intention to sell a product or service, by this, im not saying you will fill every post with affiliate links from amazon or another platform, you have to create a series of post talking about this product or service, and then you can create a post or sales funnel to help you convert those clicks.
So what you are doing here is affiliate marketing, right now you can register to amazon affiliate or another program and start earning money promoting some products, the right strategy here is not writing product reviews, but write as you were talking about the products you use, writing a post about a feature a product has, and its better for you or your family, its way better than a product review, so avoid posting product reviews, and start informative posts, and recommendation posts, thats the way your going to earn good money.
Click here to learn more about the free tools to rank faster on google search.
Earning money from ads on your mom blog
As your traffic grows, you can apply to google adsense, to get accepted your website needs to have a good blog, with at least 20 posts, start by doing keyword reserearch and choose low volume and competition over high paid one, these last ones are harder to rank, once you have those keywords start creating, you one post = one keywords, you can even create 20 or 30 draft posts, this is a good method to keep up your pace and achieve your blog posting goals.
Once you start getting traffic and making mone on adsense, you will see adsense statistics, rpm and cpc, will be very low and you are likely to start earning a very low revenue, but keep up, your rpm and cpc are going to increase, you just need to keep creating good content, with a good strategy to earn some affiliate money and keep your audience engaged.
Sharing your mommy blog expert posts on social media
This kind of blogs are a blast on social media, platforms like instagram, facebook, youtube, tik tok, and pinterest will help you grow faster, choose 2 or 3, because, promoting your website on social media is often a full time job, a youtube channel is mandatory as you need some videos to be part of your posts, and at the same time, it will help you with an extra income source, instagram is another recommended platform, making stories from you, your family and your everyday will be a boost, you will start getting followers and maybe even monetize the platform.
Pinterest may be the best site for your mommy blog expert articles, here you can create pins, it can be a photo, an image, drawings or else, then you write a description with the keyword you are using for your post, and next you have to attach the link from your blog to this pin, it is recommended creating 2, 3 or more pins for each of your posts, every image needs to be original, not just a copy/paste from internet, if you have created a good pin, then you are likely to get traffic from pinterest, sometimes it can be massive, that’s why there’s people earning good money from pinterest traffic.
Check out this guide to learn how to promote your blog to earn those early clicks.
Being a mommy blog expert is challenging, but rewarding, once you start, you are not going to stop until you have a good amount of posts, earning money online can be difficult, but you have to figure out your own formula to start earning, to make your first affiliate comission or your first sale and earn your ROI early, once you do that, just repeat the procces until you have enough content to make a living, and maybe you’re not going to stop there, you are going to create more websites or blogs, and start outsourcing to create a lot more of content, so start now, there’s an audience waiting to read about your mom experience, to know how you plan your day, or your kid activities.