Google ads passive income: earn 10k/month

google ads passive income takes hard work but its possible

Passive income online is the holy grail for everyone starting a website or a blog nowadays, and sometimes its very difficult to know if your site is going to be profitable, there are a lots of gurus that will tell you google ads passive income its possible within the first month of creating your first website, with no knowledge or experience whatsoever, and thats totally wrong!

To build a passive income, if that even exists, you must first work hard, so, thats why we cant call this a passive income in the first place, but there’s something true about this, you can work really hard for the first year, start earning a google ads passive income or from affiliate programs or infoproducts, and then, take a month vacation, comeback and see how you will even earn more money next month, but to do this, you have to work hard every day, and create a good monetizing strategy.

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Earning a passive income from google ads.

First, google ads are one of the most recommended strategies to start monetizing your website traffic, so, you will get your site accepted even with 5 or 10 daily pageviews, but, unless your website gets more than 1M traffic monthly or you have a great RPM/CPC you will have a very low income, the main reason is that, for new sites those metrics will stay very low, so you will have $1 USD RPM, that means if you have one thousand pageviews monthly, you will get $1 USD.

So what yo do? a good keyword research for high paid and low competition keywords will move the needle, work hard, create more content, even now if you are reading this, you should be creating more content, so this massive amount of content start getting traffic, thats how you will get there.

Getting accepted on google adsense

getting accepted on google adsense is your first step into passive income

This is the first goal for everyone creating a website, getting accepted on google adsense program to display ads on your site will help you understand some things, the metrics used to calculate your earning, and using analytics, you will know every day, wich article is getting more traffic and earning more revenue, for you to focus on similar topics of your niche.

So to get accepted you should meet some requirements, that you can see here, you have to create privacy policy, cookie policy and contact page, and you have to at least have 20 to 30 pieces of content or posts, so, start creating your website now, there are plenty of guides on how to create a wordpress site out there, use a good plugin and start creating content, thats the most important aspect of your website.

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How much can a small site earn from Adsense?

For a small site that gets a 5k pageviews with just google ads displayed on page you will earn on average between $ 10 – 20 USD, its not just that the RPM is low if you have low paid keywords, but, in the first stages of your web development, good RPMs start growing from 10k pageviews, there are some cases in wich the revenue will be up to $100 USD, but unless you are a professional with lots of experience, this is very rare and nos realistic.

website advertising is one of the most common way to monetize your site

Web advertising placement: create a passive income online: serving ads on your site can be done automatically, but sometimes you must plan a great strategy to optimize your ads.

There are some rare cases of websites displaying google ads with a monthly traffic above 1M, for those sites revenue with google adsense can go up to $20,000 ( $4 USD RPM) so, thats why you want to get the more traffic, creating a good number of posts that will rank on google fast and get those analytics moving.

as a small site you will get a very low revenue from google ads

Getting to 1 million pageviews monthly

Thats a very high goal, you need to know that, in order to get to these numbers, you need to be patient, it takes at least one year for a site to start getting good traffic, as you get more experience of course you will create better content, better strategies and will be earning money, but, for some websites to reach 1 million pageviews will take 4 to 6 years, and at least having 300 to 500 posts, good quality content.

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As always, i recommend, diversification, look for more income sources, there’s a lot of ways to monetize your nice content, if you look into my posts, you will learn the way to monetize your niche, I will make step by step guides, courses, and case studys, to try to help anyone to reach their goal, make a business online and have a passive income.

Do i have to create a website to make a passive income

Absolutely no, there are many people out there making money from youtube, twitch, instagram, facebook or another platforms, that means you dont have to create a website by yourself, but, a website is a more flexible way to create an income, so, you can create only one website, then that website grows and can bring you multiple income sources.

So if you are a famous streamer, youtuber or influencer of any kind, my advise is to create a website to get more traction to your brand, sell your own products and get more revenue from your audience, its a lot of work, but if you are already getting money, you can invest some of your earning to outsource your work, create a little team of people that helps you reach your goals.

you dont have to create a website, but its a good way to start


Creating a website and starting a business online is hard work, there are too many people out there with lots of experience, companies putting big money to rank first, but thats not bad for us bloggers, those companies are already paying us to display their ads, all that money is there for us webmasters and bloggers to earn, so, in order to do this, we have to always create the best content, to search for new ways to grow our audience and monetize it.

Passive income can be achieved after some years of hard work, keep in mind that this does not mean this income will last forever, this will become your full time job, after all, this will be harder than your 9 to 5 job, but, for a revenue tha will increase every month or year.

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